Thursday, February 12, 2015

Alternative Medicines for Treating Anemia

Anemia seems to be more and more common these days in people. It is a health condition where people don't seem to be getting enough iron into their bodies to help maintain proper health. However, Anemia can be cured sometimes, treated, and even prevented sometimes by simply eating nutritious foods containing health amounts of iron them, but most people for many years now have been simply just taking iron supplements instead, which is not always the best way of providing our bodies with a health dose of needed iron.

Some of the best ways of getting iron into our bodies without taken any iron supplements s by simply eating organic foods containing natural sources of iron in them. Some of these organic foods that contain a good amount of natural iron in them are foods such as clams, fish, liver, oysters, beef, seeds, nuts, and vegetables. These types of foods I have just mentioned above contain high healthy natural doses of iron can be easily absorbed into the blood stream faster and much easier than iron supplements that sometimes can make your stomach upset. By simply adding some of these foods into your diet each day you can help treat and even prevent Anemia.

One of the best meals you could have if you do suffer from Anemia is, "Clam Chowder." Clam Chowder has just the right amount of iron your body needs in a day to help maintain over all health. All you have to do is grab a cup of Clam Chowder from your favorite sea food place or from the grocery store. You could even make your own Clam Chowder at home and make enough to have a couple bowls of it during throughout the week. You can check out some Clam Chowder recipes by simply checking out some of the recipes I have attached to this article.

Another great meal to have if you have Anemia and don't really like Clam Chowder is " A Baked Potato Toped with Cheese and Chili." A Baked Potato Topped with Cheese and Chili has plenty of natural healthy iron in it to help maintain over all health. However, in order to get the right amount of natural iron you will have to eat the whole bake potato skin and all to get the full healthy amount of iron. You can buy baked potatoes topped with cheese and chili from grocery stores and most fast food places. You can even make your own chili and baked potatoes at home and put them together yourself and maybe even prepare a few extra meals to have throughout the week as well. If you need some recipes for a Baked Potato Topped with Cheese and Chili just check out the recipe I have attached to this article.

Now for those of you who are reading this article and do not know what Anemia is, it is a health condition where the blood's red blood cells do not carry enough oxygen throughout the body and bloodstream, which makes the body feel tired and weak all the time. It is also a health condition where the body doesn't get enough iron absorbed through the bloodstream causing the body to always be cold and feel really sluggish and ill like. The best way to find out if you do have Anemia is to simply go to your doctors office and ask your doctor to test you for it if you think you may have it.

Basically, the best ways for treating Anemia if you do have it is be simply eating foods containing high natural amounts of iron in them. However, if you can not seem to get a natural source of iron in you by eating food I guess the best way to get iron is by taken an iron supplement, but I highly recommend eating some healthy iron filled food. 

So, if your think you may have Anemia get checked out by your doctor, and if you have a possible chance of getting it still take to your doctor and start eating the right foods like the ones I have mentioned in this article. I hope some of this information help those of you out there looking for alternative ways of treating and preventing Anemia. If you would like more information on Anemia simply check out the website I have attached to this article.