Thursday, February 12, 2015

Homemade Pineapple Coconut Face Mask to Fight Signs of Aging

My all time favorite homemade facial mask to make to help fight the signs of aging is my homemade pineapple coconut mask. My homemade pineapple coconut mask helps moisturize my skin while loading it up on tons of antioxidants and vitamins that help keep my skin from aging.

The ingredients you will need to make my homemade pineapple coconut mask are ½ cup of pineapple juice, ¼ cup of solid coconut oil, and a tablespoon of cornstarch to help thicken up the facial mask so it stays on your face. If you do not have all of theses ingredients on hand you can find them at your local health food store or grocery store for under $10.

You are also going to need 1 small sauce pan, 1 small spoon, and a small container to place the homemade pineapple coconut mask into after it is done being made. If you do not have these materials on hand you can find them at your local kitchen store.

Now the way you make my homemade pineapple coconut mask is by placing the ½ cup of pineapple juice, ¼ cup of solid coconut oil, and a tablespoon of cornstarch into your small sauce pan. Then all you do is turn your stove on low heat and allow all of your ingredients to melt together until they form a thick liquid. After your ingredients are all melted together and form a thick liquid all you do is pour allow the homemade pineapple coconut mask to cool for 10 minutes. Once the pineapple coconut mask is completely cooled it should be slightly thicker and ready to place into your container.

The way I like to use my homemade pineapple coconut mask is by making sure my face and skin is completely cleaned. Then I like to take a handful of the homemade pineapple coconut mask and lather it onto my face in a thick even layer and allow it to stay on for around 20 minutes. After I like to take the mask off with warm water and pat my face dry. I notice immediately after using this facial mask that my skin is a whole lot softer and the fine lines and wrinkles on face have faded away some.

I wish all of you the best of luck at trying to make my homemade pineapple coconut mask, and I hope you all enjoy what it does for your skin and face. I know I sure did and I would highly recommend it to anyone to make and try. I wish you all the best of luck at keeping your skin young and healthy.