Thursday, February 12, 2015

Homemade Ink Stain Remover

Spilling ink on your clothing can be a real nightmare and trying to get the ink out after it dries onto the clothing is even harder to remove. However dried ink stains can be removed using basic materials and ingredients from your medicine cabinet and kitchen. All you have to have is a little bit of patience and time to remove this ink.

Materials and Ingredients Needed

The materials you will need are measuring cups and spoons, ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide, 2 teaspoons of dish soap, small spray bottle and several round cosmetic cotton pads. If you do not have these materials on hand you can always find them at your local drugstore all together for less than $7 which is sometimes cheaper than drugstore brand stain removers.

Making the Remover

Once you have all your materials you can make you homemade stain remover solution by measuring out your ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide and 2 teaspoons of dish soap. After you can take off the sprayer from the spray bottle and pour the ingredients into your small spray bottle. After you can place the sprayer back onto the spray bottle and give it a good shake to combined the hydrogen peroxide and dish soap together until it becomes a foamy liquid solution.

Removing the Ink Stain 

Now to remove the dried ink stain from the clothing you will you stain remover and spray several squirts onto the dried ink stain. Next take a round cosmetic cotton pad and begin blotting the dried ink stain out with it. Do not rub because it will make the ink stain bigger. Continue blotting and spraying the ink stain with the cosmetic cotton pads and stain remover until all the ink has been blotted out of the clothing. You will be able to see this happening because the stain solution will help pull the ink out of the clothing and directly onto the cosmetic cotton pad which will turn the color of the ink that was spilled onto the clothing. This may take several minutes to do but this ink should come completely out of the clothing. After you can toss the clothing into the washer machine and give it a good wash to help remove any extra ink from it and than your clothing will be looking brand new again.

End Notes

So, there you have it a homemade stain removing solution to remove that dried ink stain from your clothing. I wish you all the best of luck with removing the dried ink stain and I hope this bit of information helps.