Friday, May 22, 2015

Yummy Earth Organic Lollipops for Easing My Morning Sickness

Discovering I was pregnant was not exactly an easy thing to settle in my mind. My relationship and family life was rocky and unsettling. In the deepest parts of my heart, I wanted to be excited and happy, but all I felt was nervous, fearful, unprepared and extremely sad. The emotions created so much stress inside of me; it made the morning sickness so much worse. The only way I could ease my anxieties, nausea and vomiting away was with the Yummy Earth Organic Lollipops. Thankfully, these pops are made with organic ingredients that nourish the body and cure a sweet tooth.

Organic Ingredients in the Pops

  • Organic Evaporated Cane Juice
  • Organic Brown Rice Syrup
  • Beet Sugars
  • Organic Black Carrots
  • Organic Black Currant
  • Organic Apple
  • Organic Pumpkin
  • Fruit Juices
  • Dose of Vitamin C

How the Yummy Earth Organic Lollipops Helped Ease My Morning Sickness

The first trimester is hard enough with the chemical and body changes, but toss in all the extra emotions and morning sickness on top of it and you turn into a complete train wreck. The toilet bowl and toothbrush literally become your best friends. For me, it was toilet bowl, toothbrush, hurry, and run for the lollipops before I puke again. I am not sure why the lollipops helped me so much, but I am guessing it was the little bit of sugar and vitamin C they contained that help bring my blood sugar levels up to a more stable level while giving my immune system a boost of strength to stay strong. It seemed every time I felt extremely hungry and my blood sugar levels were low even with eating regular meals and snacking I would get extremely nauseous and start vomiting my head off.

Morning sickness for me lasted from the morning until about eight at night. Then, all night long, I would be snacking and munching on all kinds of foods from pickles to spaghetti and ketchup. The strangest combinations of foods during the first trimester of pregnancy will freak you out and strangely enough calm your stomach down.

Unfortunately, for me things like salty crackers, breads and anything starchy were not helpful. However, sweet thing foods like lollipops, hard candies, Italian ice and anything super fruity and ice cold were of great help when it came to making me feel better.

If you are going through your first trimester of pregnancy hang in there and know what you read on the internet about the remedies and tricks that are suppose to calm nausea down may not work for you. What works for you will be what your body is craving and telling you what it needs. You will also find the foods you use to like you do not anymore. For me, I didn’t like hard candies or lollipops because I hated the textures of them and the way they stick to your teeth, but strangely enough the sugar and texture of these candies are what truly helped ease my nausea while providing me with a little sugar boost to keep on charging away.

After all, when you are pregnant you become sluggish and exhausted all the time and sugar for me was a great little pick me up. This is especially true when you throw up all day long and your blood sugar levels drop down so low you feel like a zombie walking around the home and workplace. Some people love pregnancy, but after the first trimester all I have to say is I do not like it. However, I do think it is a blessing that humans can create other human beings, but that still does not stop me from wish there was some other way to go through this process. The symptoms throughout the first trimester are dreadful. If you are one of the few people who experienced no symptoms during your first trimester you are one lucky woman.