Friday, January 2, 2015

Banana Berry Smoothie for Slowing Rapid Heart Beats

I suffer from rapid heart palpitations and this condition can be scary at times. During the palpitations, my chest feels like my heart is racing in a marathon. It just pounds and pounds. I become light headed at times and sometimes even nauseated. Usually my rapid heart beat occurs because of anxiety or drinking too much caffeine, but sometimes it is due because of a lack of potassium in my bloodstream. Potassium is an essential nutrient my body needs to help keep my heart beating properly. Without enough of this needed mineral, my heart looses a proper heart rhythm.

When my cardiovascular system is beating irregularly, I turn to my berry banana remedy that helps the vital organ beat regularly again so I can begin to feel better. The reason why is because it not only contains the potassium I need, but other vital minerals my heart needs to such as calcium and magnesium. These minerals are also essential because they work with the potassium to help regulate a normal heart rhythm.

Heart Balancing Ingredients

The ingredients needed to create the heart remedy is an organic banana, a cup of organic strawberries, a half-cup of blackberries, two cups of whole milk, tablespoon of raw honey and four ice cubes. You can find these mineral rich ingredients at your local grocery store or farmers market, but make sure they are organic because you do not want any pesticides or hormones in this remedy.

Making the Remedy

To create this natural treatment for relieving the heart palpitations all you would need to do is peel the banana, place it into a blender with the berries, milk, honey, and ice cubes. Then, you hit the puree button on the appliance and blend the ingredients together until you get a deep pink creamy thick smoothie mixture. After, pour the alternative remedy into a large cup and drink it down slowly to help relieve your condition naturally. For me, my heartbeats begin to become normal within twenty-minutes of sipping on this treatment.

However, what works best for me may not always work best for you. If you find your heart speeding up again or the rhythm-becoming irregular, it is best to visit a doctor for proper treatment. When it comes to dealing with conditions of the heart, you do not want to let them go because they could be serious.


If your heart condition becomes worse, see a doctor immediately. If you are unsure about this remedy for treating heart palpitations speak with your doctor first. If you are allergic to the ingredients used in this remedy, do not use it. Overall, this remedy is safe and does work well for me. I hope those of you who try it find relief too.