Friday, January 2, 2015

20 Ways to Become More Environmentally Friendly

Going green isn't just the trend these days. It's the way to help save our planets resources. It's the way to help keep our home clean, healthy and happy for all living creatures upon it. Going green is a lifestyle change. If you want to help the planet and want to make a lifestyle change that is more earth friendly view some of the tips below.

Helpful Going Green Tips

Switch to energy saving appliance
Skip on the air conditioning in the summertime and go for a swim instead
Recycle and use what you can such as plastic and glass bottles, clothing, paper and cardboard
Use cotton bags for your groceries and to go lunches
Skip on using paper plates, napkins and plastic utensils and use reusable items instead
 Use your own reusable to go cups for morning coffees and other beverages
Say no to Styrofoam
Drive energy efficient cars or carpool, walk or ride your bike.
Take shorter showers
Switch to earth friendly cleaning products
Switch to earth friendly personal care and beauty products
Buy organic foods
Hang laundry out to dry on nice days
Plant gardens and produce your own foods
Buy only what you need

End Notes

These are only a handful of ways to help you go green. There are so many other things that can be done to make the earth a healthier happier place.