Friday, January 2, 2015

5 Remedies that Effectively Treat and Soothe Cold Sores

Getting cold sores and fever blisters can be a real pain and an eyesore. Cold sores and fever blisters are painful and come with tingling sensations and a lot of burning at times and take a very long time to heal. With all the over-the-counter medical products out on the market, you would think at least one would work and help you get rid of that cold sore or fever blister, but none of them do.

Baking Soda 

Recently I have found away to heal cold sores and fever blister naturally in less than five days using one basic household product, baking soda. Baking soda works wonders on cold sores and fever blisters because it helps drain all the acid out of the sore and helps dry out the sore fast so your lips can begin to help properly. Baking soda is safe to use on cold sores and fever blister and does sting a little bit when you apply it to the cold sore or fever blister, but in the end it will be well worth it I promise you that. All you have to do is take a little baking soda and water and make a past and apply it to the infected area four times a day until the cold sore disappears.

Milk & Yogurt 

A very simple way of helping a cold sore heal is by drinking a lot of milk and eating a lot of yogurt because it is filled with lactobacillus acidophilus and calcium, which is extremely important to take in when trying to help fight the cold sore virus. You can also take a cotton ball and dab a little plain yogurt or milk on it and then apply it to the sore directly for five minutes and it will help get rid of some of the discomforting pain cause by the sore. Works wonderful!

Aloe Vera 

Another great way to help heal a cold sore is by using Aloe Vera. Aloe Vera has natural healing powers and is full of great antibacterial fighters that help fight of the cold sore virus. When you apply Aloe Vera to your cold sore and fever blister, the Aloe Vera will help soothe the burning and stinging of the colds sore and keep the skin of the infected area clean and soft so the area of the skin doesn't split open. Aloe Vera also is awesome at healing cold sores in about three or four days. You can find Aloe Vera at your health food store for four or five dollars depending on where you go.


Something else that helps in soothing and healing cold sore pain is apply a black or green tea bag to the infected area for about twenty minutes a day three times a day. It's very effective and works wonders. Another great tea bag you could apply to the cold sore is peppermint tea because it has a cooling effect when applied to the sore directly. Teas are load with lots of vitamins and antioxidants that help heal the sores fast. Using a tea bag to help you rid cold sores is one of the cheapest and most effective ways of riding a cold sore.

Vitamin C

One more fantastic way of getting rid of cold sores and fever blisters fast is by drinking a lot of water with lemon in it each day. The vitamin C in the lemon is powerful and helps in rapid healing of skin infections fast as long as you consume enough of it each day. You can also apply a little piece of lemon skin to your cold sore or fever blister three times a day and that will help apply vitamin C directly to the infected area. If you want they do make organic lemon balm to apply directly to the sore at your health food store for around three dollars.

End Notes 

If you have a really bad out break of cold sores don't waste your money over the counter brand cold sore treatments because they don't work very well. Try some of the simple natural house hold products and items I mentioned above. I know for sure you will have very good success healing your cold sores and fever blisters fast using those items and products.