Monday, February 23, 2015

Vervain Infusion for Severe Headache Relief

If you watch vampire movies and shows, you know that vervain is a common herb used to keep vampires away, but I use the herb to keep severe painful headaches away. This sacred herb contains therapeutic medicinal properties that help relieve stress, tension, anxiety, muscle stiffness and illnesses which are all conditions that can cause severe headaches. The pain-relieving herb is wonderful to use for making an infusion for natural pain relief. Some of the headaches that I have had such as migraines, tension headaches and sinus headaches have been relieved using a vervain infusion, which is basically a strong medicinal herbal tea. 

Finding Organic Dried Vervain Herb 

To make a vervain infusion you need to have the best organic dried vervain herb you can possibly get your hands on. You do not want vervain that is non-organic because it could have been sprayed with pesticides and chemicals to help it grow and protect it from insects and disease. You want organic vervain that is pure in form and contains its true medicinal properties. You can find organic dried vervain at many of your local herbal shops and whole food grocery stores in the spice and herb sections of the stores. 

Making the Vervain Infusion for Headaches 

When I make my vervain infusion for treating my severe headaches naturally, I combine some other herbs along with it such as dried chamomile and feverfew. Both herbs are related to the daisy family and contain pain relieving, sedative and antispasmodic medicinal properties. I find when I combine these herbs with vervain it creates a stronger healing infusion for treating severe headaches that come with blurred vision, nausea and vomiting and unbearable pain and pressure within the head. 

To make the infusion I find it is best to place a tablespoon of each herb into a large teapot and pour boiling water into it. After, I place the lid on the teapot and allow the infusion to steep for twenty to thirty minutes too really help draw out the healing properties from the herbs. You will know the infusion is ready to sip on when it has a deep golden color, sweet earthy woody scent and a slightly sweet bitter taste, which I mellow out with a tablespoon of honey added into the infusion. 

Once the infusion is ready, I pour a cup of it and sip it down slowly in a quiet dark area of my home until the headache subsides. It usually takes about thirty minutes to an hour before the entire severe headache is gone, but it does go away with a few cups of the vervain herbal infusion, just be patient and slip slowly. The infusion is warm, comforting and soothing as soon as you begin sipping on it. 

To prevent headaches, drinking a few cups of this infusion each day can help greatly. I also take feverfew supplements daily, sip on chamomile tea throughout the day as well and that seems to do wonders with preventing migraines and tension headaches for me. You may find different remedies work better for you, but I have found great relief from severe headaches when using a combination of these natural herbs from Mother Nature. 

Take Precautions 

Those of you with certain medicinal conditions or allergies should speak to your herbalist or doctor before using this infusion for treating or preventing your severe headaches naturally. Since I have been using the vervain infusion for severe headaches I have only experienced relief from headaches and nothing else, but everyone's body is different and responds differently to different remedies and medications so use this infusion with caution.