Monday, February 2, 2015

Oregano Head to Toe Cleansing Acne Scrub

Whether you suffer from body acne or facial acne all kinds of acne can be embarrassing and painful. A beauty remedy I have always found effective for treating my occasion acne breakouts is my oregano head to toe cleansing acne scrub.

For those of you who may not know this, oregano contains antibacterial healing properties in it, which means it kills a harmful bacterium that causes acne. The herb contains anti-inflammatory properties as well that can help reduce the redness and swelling acne blemishes can cause at times. Oregano also provides the skin with antioxidants, minerals and fatty acids, which are all essential nutrients for healing the skin naturally.

Herbs and Organic Ingredients Need for the Oregano Head to Toe Cleansing Acne Scrub

When I make my oregano head to toe cleansing acne scrub I use freshly dried oregano leaves and oregano oil. Now, I know some of you with acne might be thinking, "Oh no! I can't use oil on my skin," but oregano oil is healing to acne prone skin and will not cause further acne breakouts. Other organic ingredients I use are manuka honey, organic aloe lotion, vitamin E oil and granulated white cane sugar. Sometimes I even use my favorite natural cream cleanser too when my acne is being stubborn and I want immediate results. My favorite cream cleanser to use in my scrub is the Burt's Bees Soap Bark & Chamomile Deep Cleansing Cream. I find it gentle, soothing and effective for cleansing my skin naturally. However, it is not necessary to add a cream cleanser to the scrub, but I just like to add it for that extra clean feeling that it provides.

Making the Acne Scrub

Making the oregano head to toe cleansing acne scrub is easy. All I do is get a medium size glass mixing bowl and measure out three tablespoons of dried oregano leaves, five drops of essential oregano oil, two tablespoons of manuka honey, two cups of pure aloe lotion, a tablespoon of vitamin e oil and three cups of granulated cane sugar. At this time, you would also add in a few tablespoons of your favorite cream cleanser if you want to kick the cleansing power up a notch. Once all the ingredients are in the bowl, simply combine them together well using a wire whisk or wooden spoon. I always prefer using a wooden spoon because I feel it mixes the ingredients together better. Once the oregano acne scrub is made, it will be creamy white colored with a gritty texture and green oregano specks throughout with a strong oregano scent. After, scoop the oregano into a container or squeezable bottle of some sort. Then, place the scrub in the shower to use during bathing time.

Best Way to Use the Oregano Head to Toe Cleansing Acne Scrub

My favorite way to use the oregano head to toe cleansing acne scrub is by stepping into the shower and drenching myself down with hot comfortable water for a good five to seven minutes to help relax the body and moisten the skin well. Then, I take a small handful of the scrub, start rubbing and massaging it gently into my face, neck, and shoulder area using small circular motions. Next, I take another handful, scrub my arms, elbows, hands and abdomen area well with it, and continue down towards the hips, legs, knees and feet. The cleansing and exfoliating process if you take your time and do it well takes about ten to fifteen minutes. The scrub will feel very cleansing, refreshing and uplifting. However, it will not lather up into foamy bubbles like most scrubs or acne cleansers would. Once the cleansing and scrubbing are done, it is time to rinse off with plenty of warm water and pat the skin dry. After, your skin and body should feel clean, dead skin and bacteria should have been washed away leaving you soft and your skin might be a little red and tender. At this time, I find it is always best to apply a pure vitamin E cream or aloe cream to help hydrate, soothe, soften, nourish and protect the skin.


Now, with all that being said, the oregano head to toe cleansing acne scrub should only be used about two to three times per week. Over using the scrub can be harsh on the skin and cause it to be really red and raw, but with proper use the oregano acne scrub should help clear and cleanse your skin up beautifully. However, those of you allergic to any of the ingredients in this cleansing scrub should not use it at all.