Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Homemade Grapefruit Honey Face Peel Mask

Once and away I will get some blackheads on my face, but I do always have time to run out to the drug store to pick up a facial peel mask or a blackhead remover so I make my own at home. One of my very own homemade facial peel masks I like to make is my Grapefruit Honey Face Peel Mask. It is so simple to make and works like a charm to remove those blackheads right out of your face and pores.

The ingredients you are going to need is a non toxic bottle of white Elmer's Glue, 4 tablespoons of fresh grapefruit juice, and 1 teaspoon of honey. If you do not have these ingredients in your home you can find them in Walmart Stores and even your local grocery stores. Now I know all of you are thinking why the heck are we using Elmer's Glue in a homemade face mask? The reason is because it dries face, peels off like a face mask, and it helps pull the blackheads and dead skin off your face safely and easily just like a face peeling mask. The Elmer's Glue shouldn't cause you any skin irritations at all or cause you to breakout if you by the non toxic white kind of glue.

The way you make my homemade Grapefruit Honey Face Peel Mask is by taking ¼ a cup of non toxic Elmer's Glue and pouring it into a small bowl. Than you will want to take your 4 tablespoons of grapefruit juice and pour that into the small bowl with the glue in it as well. Next you will add in your 1 teaspoon of honey into the small bowl with the glue and grapefruit juice and mix these ingredients together until your get a light peach grapefruit smelling face peel mask that is smooth and creamy looking.

Now the way you apply this homemade Grapefruit Honey Face Peel Mask to your face is by first making sure your skin is really clean by making sure there is no dirt, makeup, or oil on your face at all. You also want to make sure your skin is nice and dry so the mask dries and sticks properly to your face. Than you want to take a handful of the peeling mask and apply it to your face in a nice thick even layer, but be very careful not to get this mask into your eyebrows, eyes, and mouth. 

Once the mask is on you will want to leave it there for about 30 minutes or until the face mask is completely dry. You will know when the mask is dry because it will feel dry and not look wet and shiny on your face. Once the mask is dry you will peel it off using your fingertips. You will notice when you peel this homemade Grapefruit Honey Face Peel Mask off that most or even all of the blackheads have been removed and are now on that face mask you just peeled off your face. You will even notice some dead dry skin on this face mask as well. 

Once you have peeled the mask off your face should look cleaner and brighter because the grapefruit has tons of vitamin c on it that nourishes and protects the skin while helping the collagen underneath your skin plump up, and the honey has tons of antioxidants in I that helps nourishing, protect, and moisturizing your skin while fighting signs of aging. Once again the glue in the mask will help remove all the blackheads and dry skin from your face leaving your face with a softer and healthier feeling.

I do hope those of you who try making my homemade Grapefruit Honey Face Peel Mask have an easy time making it and finding the ingredients. I also hope all of you enjoy using this homemade blackhead facial peel mask on your face and are able to remove the blackheads and dry skin from your face easily with this face mask. I wish you all the best of luck at removing those blackheads from your face so you can look young and beautiful again.