Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Best Kookamunga Cat and Kitten Treats

One of a cat or kittens favorite herbs is catnip and one of the best companies to get catnip and treats from is Kookamunga. Kookamunga makes catnip treats, catnip herbal leaves, catnip spray, and even catnip bubbles to get your cats or kittens to play with you, and I will tell you a little bit about each Kookamunga product.The first Kookamunga product I want to tell you about is the Kookamunga Catnip Treats. These catnip treats are made from real catnip herbs and they are flavored with chicken and have a really crunchiness to them that your cats and kittens will love. Now all the ingredients in these yummy catnip treats are made from premium natural ingredients that are healthy and safe for your cats or kittens to eat as a treat once in awhile when you feel like treating them. Kookamunga Catnip Treats cost around two dollars for a five ounce container of crunchy catnip chicken flavored treats.

The second Kookamunga product for cats that is great is their Kookamunga Catnip which is in the form of small crushed catnip herbs. You can use the catnips in their cat toys, scratch pads, food, or you can even make a catnip tea out of it for your cats to drink which my kittens defiantly love. However, this catnip is really strong so I will warn you now you only need a little of it because your cats and kittens will go nuts over it and will become really excited and playful after just having a little of it. Kookamunga Catnip comes in a small package for that cost around a couple of dollars.

The third and exciting Kookamunga product your cats or kittens and you even will have fun with is the Kookamunga Natural Catnip Bubbles for Interactive Play. These bubbles are made from pure catnip and non toxic ingredients that are safe for your kittens and cats to eat. The way you use them is by simply blowing the bubbles with the wand like you would regular bubbles for children. Then your cats or kittens will chase them and jump up and try to catch and eat them for some super funny entertainment for you and some super good exercise for your cats and kittens. Kookamunga Natural Catnip Bubbles comes in a five ounce bubble container with a lid and wand for around two dollars.

Now the last Kookamunga product I am going to tell you about is the Kookamunga Natural Catnip Extract Spray. This catnip spray is made with natural catnip and can be used on your cats or kittens toys to get them up and moving and having some fun. You can also use it on their cat beds or cat crates to help get them into it if you have to take them to the vet for their yearly wellness exam, which can be very helpful to you and your cats or kittens. Kookamunga Natural Catnip Extract Spray comes in a four ounce spray bottle that cost around four dollars.

You can get all of these Kookamunga Catnip product online at, You may also be able to get these wonderful cat and kitten treats at your local pet stores such as Petco or Pet Smart. I know a few of my friends can even find Kookamunga Catnip products for their cats and kittens at Walmart so you may even want to check their as well. If you can't seem to find these catnip products at any of the online stores and local stores that I have mentioned you might want to try an online store at

So, now you know a little bit about each of the best Kookamunga Catnip products for your cats and kittens. I hope your cats and kittens really enjoy the Kookamunga Catnip Treats, Herbs, Sprays, and Bubbles. I know my kitten's sure do. I wish you all the very best for your cats and kittens.