Thursday, February 12, 2015

Tummy Soothing Syrup

I had food poisoning from a bad meal I eat at a restaurant and could not stop vomiting. I would sip on water and herbal teas and not even these beverages stayed down. I would snack on salty crackers and soon after was throwing those up too. I was at my limits with foods and liquids and feeling very weak. I ended up calling a family member for help and she reminded me of an old remedy my great grandma use to make to eases tummy troubles away. As soon as this alternative medicine was brought to my attention I headed to the kitchen to make up a batch so I could start taking it right away. Once it was all made up I took some and began feeling better.

Healing Ingredients Needed

The healing organic ingredients I used to make this special medicine to help me stop vomiting were chamomile tea bags, purified water, pineapple juice, fresh ginger root and honey. The ingredients you can purchase at a whole food store, but you can also get them at the grocery store as well. I personally always have them on hand because I always seem to be suffering from belly troubles. In addition, these organic ingredients help calm the digestive tract while also killing harmful bacteria that cause food poisoning. The nourishing nutrients also provide the tummy with enzymes as well to help improve digestions and ease away vomiting.

Creating the Remedy

To make this medicine you will need a large pot with two cups of purified water, three cups of organic pineapple juice, a forth cup of grated ginger root and five chamomile tea bags inside of it. Next, you will put the pot of ingredients on the stove burner and bring them too a roaring boil to help extract the medicinal properties from them. Then you will remove the pot of liquid from the stove and add in three cups of organic honey. Next, you will allow the mixture to cool for about an hour. Then, you will pour it into a clean sterilized jar, top it off with a lid and store it in the refrigerator until you are ready to use it up for treating what ails the tummy.

Treating the Condition

When I had the food poisoning and could not stop vomiting I would take a tablespoon of this treatment every hour until I felt relief. You may also do the same, but ff you just need it to help ease nausea or indigestion away you can just take a couple tablespoons and you should feel relief within 5 to 10-minutes. I know I always do, but I also know everyone's body responds differently to different remedies. So, even though this treatment works for me it may not work for you, but if it does that is awesome.


You should not use this alternative medicine if you are allergic to any of the ingredients in it. If you are, unsure if this treatment is safe and right for you it is best to speak with a doctor or herbalist first. Since I have been using the remedy I have experienced no side effects at all. The remedy has only helped me feel better.