Monday, February 2, 2015

Acacia Fiber for Relieving Digestive Discomforts

Digestive discomforts and chronic constipation is a condition I have suffered from for several years now. I do eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and I do drink more than enough water each day. For a while, I even took psyllium husk supplements to help add more fiber to my diet, which seem to help keep the digestive tract running smoothly, but I ended up developing an allergy to it. Now, I use acacia fiber instead and found the ultimate relief from my horrible tummy conditions.

What is Acacia Fiber?

When I first heard about acacia fiber, I did a bit of my own research to discover exactly what it was. I learned it is a gum fiber, which comes from the acacia trees. Acacia trees grow in Australia as well as other warm climates such as Africa and Southern Asia. You can even find some of these trees growing on islands too such as Madagascar, which is located in the Indian Ocean.

The fiber is extremely easy for my tummy to digest and it helps keep the healthy bacteria in my gut flourishing, which helps keep my digestive tract feeling good instead of bloated, constipated, and full of bodily gas and feeling as if my belly is ready to explode at anytime.

Best of all, depending on the acacia fiber supplement you get, it will be odorless, flavorless and a very fine powered that dissolves in just about any beverage and food product such as yogurt, cottage cheese, mashed potatoes, stuffing and gravy. I even bake the fiber into my baked goods to get as much fiber into my diet as possible.

My personal favorite acacia fiber supplement to take is the, "Heather's Tummy Care Tummy Fiber," which is made from pure organic acacia fiber. However, you can use whatever, acacia fiber supplement you want to use, but this particular one is the one that works best for me.

Proper Fiber Dosage

I have learned that there is no true accurate dosage when taking acacia fiber. You simply start with small doses of the fiber and work up to large ones that are comfortable for your digestive tract. Taking too much acacia fiber, to begin with can cause constipation or even diarrhea. When I first started to take the acacia fiber supplement, I used too much and was constipated. Then, I reduced to amount of fiber and was free from constipation.

However, with acacia fiber you have too slowly add, a bit more into your diet each day until you achieve the perfect dosage for you. At this point, I am able to take up to three tablespoons per day mixed in with my beverage of choice to get comfortable relief from my digestive discomforts. However, you may find you need more or less than that.

Health Benefits Received from Using the Acacia

The health benefits I have received from using acacia fiber in my diet go way beyond just the digestive relief I have found. I have noticed my acne spot shave cleared up, my skin is softer, my allergies have reduced along with my asthma and I have more energy. I even noticed, my belly does not always look bloated and fat and I have actually lost some weight using this supplement. I think the reasons why all these other wonderful things are happening is because the fiber helps push toxins and built up waste in my body that was making me fat and feeling sick all the time. However, the other health benefits you may receive from this supplement may be different from mine because all our bodies are different and respond differently to different supplements.


From what I have learned, this supplement should not be used with antibiotics such as amoxicillin, but other than that, this supplement is safe to take with just about anything else. However, I always think and recommend that it is a good idea to speak with a doctor before using any kind of new supplement to help improve your health. I know for me acacia fiber has improved my healthy greatly without side effects and I know I will continue to take it often to keep me healthy and strong.