Saturday, February 14, 2015

How to Add Color to a Sun Catcher Without Using Paint

I know a lot of you out there have those little glass sun catchers in your windows, hanging as colorful decorations, but how much did you pay for them? Probably between $10 and $15, right? If you paid that much for a glass sun catcher, you're wasting your money. Did you know you could make your own for a lot less and have it look just as good, if not even better? 

Well you can, and it would probably cost you half of what you would have paid for a sun catcher in a craft store.Sun catchers are inexpensive to make and a fun craft to do with your friends and family out on a picnic table during a warm summer day. You can get the materials to make a sun catcher at places like -mart, Michele's Craft Store, Target, Ben Franklin's, or at any of your local craft stores.

 All you would need to get is clear glass sun catchers that haven't been painted yet, and they usually cost between .50 cents a piece to a dollar depending on the store you by them at. You will also need many different colored glass paint it you like painting and spending a fortune on materials, but I prefer to buy a large bag of multi-colored tissue paper, a medium soft bristled paint brush and a bottle of glue Elmer's glue, which usually cost all together three dollars. Did you know you can make a colorful sun catcher without using expensive glass paints? If you didn't you sure do now.

Now, your all probably thinking how can I make a sun catcher without using colored glass paints? The answer is very simple, I will teach you how. I guarantee you will enjoy making your sun catcher in a whole new creative unique way, and have the most beautiful colored sun catcher you have ever seen.

The first thing you want to do is make sure you have your glass sun catcher, or sun catchers, a large bottle of Elmer's glue, your medium paint brush, and a large bag of tissue paper all at one large table ready to be used.

The second thing you will want to do is get an old plastic square flat container you have laying around in your house because you need something to pour your glue into, so it will be easier to excess your glue with the paint brush.

The third step is to pick out the colors of tissue paper you will want to use on your sun catcher, and begin to rip, or cut the tissue paper into shapes that will fit each recessed area of your sun catcher.Make sure you use a bright beautiful assortment of colors on your sun catcher.

The fourth thing you will want to do is, to find the side of your sun catcher that is meant to be painted on and place it on the table flat facing you. You will then apply a thin layer of recessed glue to the first recessed area you want to begin in using your medium paint brush. Then you will choice the colored tissue paper you have cut, or ripped into the shape that will fit into that pacific recessed area, and stick it to that area of your sun catcher.To finish adding color to your sun catcher you will keep repeating the same steps I just mention above in this paragraph until all your recessed areas of your sun catcher are filled in with colors.

The fifth step to do once you have filled all your recessed areas your colored tissue paper is to, apply another thin layer of glue using your paint brush over the top of all the filled in recessed areas. By adding another thin layer to your colored tissue paper recessed areas, you will have added a protective layer to ensure your tissue paper will not come off your sun catcher.

The very last step to making your sun catcher is, allow your sun catcher to dry for about 12 hours. Once your sun catcher has dried you can then place your sun catcher in your window as decoration, but make sure you place your sun catcher facing the side that wasn't glued on. You don't want people looking through your window seeing the back of your sun catcher!

You have now learned how to make a glass sun catcher using color tissue paper, glue, and a paint brush. You probably have also learned by now that its not hard or expensive to make a beautiful colored sun catcher yourself. Question is, will you make your sun catchers yourself from now on? I really hope so! Have fun!