Thursday, February 12, 2015

Alternative Medicine Infusion for Ovarian Cysts Relief

The females in my family suffer from ovarian cysts. These fluid filled sacs form on the ovaries and occur the most often during childbearing years, but in rare cases can form before or after these years to. The symptoms that come along with this painful condition are cramping, sharp pains, dull pains, numbing sensations, vomiting, nausea, headaches and poor appetite. Sometimes the condition can cause painful menstrual cycles as well. I can say I suffer from painful menstrual cycles with this female health problem.

On a more positive note, the way I go about easing the symptoms associated with these nasty growths on the ovaries is with my homemade female herbal infusion. It contains herbs that help support and nourish the female reproductive system. It also eases the painful cramping that many of us females tend to get turning our periods.

Nourishing Herbs Needed

The herbs I like to use to make the healing remedy are dried chamomile, red clovers, yarrow, red raspberry leaf, lemon balm, ginseng, motherwort and chaste berry. All these herbs have the ability to nourish and bring healing to the female reproductive system while also providing relief from the painful conditions I just mentioned above in the last two paragraphs. In addition, the herbs contain properties in them that help balance female hormones, help a woman cope with stress easier and ease tension and fatigue away naturally.

Creating the Healthy Remedy and Using it

To create the nutrient rich woman infusion you will need to place a tablespoon of each dried herb into a pot filled with six cups of clean filtered water. After, you will need to place a lid on the pot and bring the ingredients to a roaring boil. Once you have done that, you will remove the pot of goodness from the stove burner and allow it to steep on the counter-top for around a half hour so you can extract the potent nutrients and medicinal properties from the herbs that will bring healing and comfort to the reproductive system. After, you will add some honey to the pot of ingredients and mix it in well. Then, you will strain the herbs from it, pour yourself a cup of the warm comforting beverage, and sip it down as you would a tea, which it is but a strong medicinal one.

Within thirty minutes of drinking the beverage, you should begin to feel relief from your lady problems. I know I always do. However, I know every woman's body is different and needs different nutrients and treatments to bring relief and healing. If this remedy does not work for you simply visit your female doctor for a checkup and see if they can provide you with a treatment that is right for you.


If you are allergic to any of the ingredients in this medicinal tea, you should not use it to help heal or treat your delicate condition. You should always consult a doctor before using any kind of alternative medicine to make sure it is safe and right for you. From my personal experience, taking this nourishing remedy daily has greatly improved my condition and helped keep me healthier.