Saturday, January 17, 2015

Review of Spicy Pumps

I recently received several free samples from Aimee's Livin Magic Store in York, Maine. One of the samples I just tried were the Spicy Pumps. They were definitely some of the most deliciously spicy pumpkin seeds I have ever had in my life.

What are Spicy Pumps?

Spicy Pumps are soaked raw pumpkin seeds that have also been dehydrated and seasoned. The pumpkins seeds are green in color and seasoned with organic seasonings like cumin, sea salt, onion and garlic granules, and chipotle pepper. They are a gluten free snack pack full of antioxidants and zinc. Definitely the type of snack I will be taking along with me when I go hiking this summer to help fight off my hunger.

Flavor and Scent

When I first opened the bag of the Spicy Pumps immediately my sinuses began opening up because the scent of the spices were so strong, but mouth watering. I have to say I loved opening the bag and breathing the spiciness in because I have had a bad sinus congestion lately and after smelling the Spicy Pumps I could breathe through my nose again. It was exciting.

The flavor of the Spicy Pumps had a sweet nuttiness to them with a hint of salt and spice. You could really taste the garlic, onion, and cumin seasoning, but the chipotle pepper was just a hint. The pumpkin seeds weren't so spicy you couldn't eat them either, and they didn't burn my mouth like some spicy foods do. These seeds were actually easy to munch done one handful after another. I found them to be very tasty. However, I did drink a lot of water along with them because they did make me super thirty.

How to Eat Spicy Pumps

The way I have been eating the Spicy Pumps is by simply pouring a small amount into my hands and munching them down. Then I usually suck down tons of water afterwards. They are very filling. However, I do think they would be excellent to toss on a salad to help add some crunchiness and extra flavor.

My Personal Opinion

I think Spicy Pumps are some of the most flavorful spicy pumpkin seeds I have ever had. They taste amazing and have a nice crunchy texture to them. They didn't upset my stomach when I ate them or cause an allergic reaction. They are the perfect gluten free snack for me and I would recommend them to anyone looking for a spicy gluten free snack to munch on.