Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Home Remedy: Garlic and Herb Footbath for Fungal Infections of the Toenails

Yellow toenails are very embarrassing and disgusting looking, but the main reason toenails become yellow is because of a fungal infection. The good news is there is a natural remedy that just might help you rid those yellow toenails away. The remedy is a garlic and herb foot bath. Yes, it sounds nasty, but it does work if you give it a chance. 

Ingredients Needed

The natural ingredients that are needed to make the garlic and herb foot bath are 5 fresh cloves of crush garlic, ½ gallon of hot water, 50 drops of tea tree oil, 10 drops of eucalyptus oil, 15 drops of rosemary oil, 25 drops of oregano oil and 20 drops of lavender oil. The reasons I use these ingredients are because they contain anti-fungal and antibacterial properties in them that help fight off the fungus and rid the infection from the toenails naturally. These ingredients you can find at a local supermarket and herbal shop. They can be pricey, but they are well-worth getting. 

Making the Remedy 

The way to make the foot bath is by filling up a large bucket your feet will fit in will all the ingredients. The bath will smell strong with garlic and herbs so if you are sensitive to strong scents you might not want to use this foot bath as a natural remedy for treating your yellow toenails. Once you have made the bath stick your feet in it and soak them for 30 minutes. The soak will tingle a bit, but this is normal. However, if you begin to have any kind of allergic reaction you will want to remove your feet immediately and seek a doctors help. Now once you have soaked your feet for a good 30 minutes it is best to pat your feet dry because fungus likes to grow on damp skin and we want to avoid that.

End Notes

Now, it is best to make the homemade garlic and herb foot bath every day until the toenails begin to clear up, and even 2 to 3 weeks after the fungal infection is gone to help make sure it is really gone away and stays away. However, if you have a serious fungal infection under the toenails that does not seem to go away with this natural remedy or other ones it is best to see a doctor for other possible treatments.