Sunday, January 4, 2015

Alternative Medicines for Hemorrhoid Relief

Some of the worst painful embarrassing things to get in your life are hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are caused by too much straining and pressure on the veins around the rectal and anal areas when trying to empty the bowels. Thankfully, there are natural remedies that can provide relief from this delicate, yet painful matter. 

However, it's important to know for sure that your suffering from hemorrhoids before using these remedies. The best way to receive a proper diagnoses is to have an exam done by  a doctor. If the doctor says what your suffering from are hemorrhoids the remedies below should help. 

What are hemorrhoids? 

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins with a bright red, purple, or blue appearance, but can sometimes can look a little fleshy. The swollen veins will also be warm to touch and can sometimes stick outside of the anus, which is also known as an external hemorrhoid. However, internal hemorrhoids do occur. Both types of hemorrhoids cause pain, discomfort, and even a little bleeding. They may also be accompanied by anal or rectal fissures and fistula. If you do have them don't panic because there are several alternative medicines out there that will help clear up this condition quickly, which I will now begin explaining to you.

Remedies for Hemorrhoids

Witch Hazel is an herb that is usually grown in North American and Europe. The herb can be turned into herbal tea, ointment, supplements, and a liquid astringent. Witch Hazel is a great alternative remedy to use on hemorrhoids because it has powerful astringent effects. It is used to clean the skin and bring down inflammations. The herb also helps strengthen weakened veins so they can heal up properly. 

Whenever you have a hemorrhoid or hemorrhoids you can apply the Witch Hazel to the delicate area a few times a day by using and ointment or by using a cold compress liquid astringent, which both can be found in either your local drug store of health food store. 

When you use the Witch Hazel on your hemorrhoids you will notice the inflammation going down from where the veins were sticking out and you will notice the strained veins will slowly shrink back to normal size so you can go to the bathroom easier without any pain. Witch Hazel is a very effective way to help heal hemorrhoids fast and relieve the pain and discomfort that comes along with them. 

Emu oil has been used for many years in Australia for treating many types of skin conditions that come along with inflammations. Emu Oil comes from the Emu Bird and it contains powerful high amounts of omega fatty acids that are needed by the body for proper healing of skin wounds. Emu Oil helps heal hemorrhoids because it can penetrate deep inside the swollen veins to help strengthen them and relief the inflammation that comes along with them. All you have to do is purchase some Emu Oil and apply it to your hemorrhoids directly using a cotton ball three times a day. Within a couple days of continued use, you should begin noticing some positive healing results. Emu Oil is very safe to use alone for long periods of time and will not interact with any medication you are taken. You can find more information on Emu Oil at

Aloe Vera Gel is a great way to relieve hemorrhoid pain because the gel has a nice cooling sensation to it when it's applied directly to the hemorrhoids. Aloe Vera is filled with powerful antioxidants and tons of amino acids that help the hemorrhoids heal quickly while stopping the inflammation caused by the swollen veins immediately. Aloe Vera Gel comes from the Aloe Vera Plant. The gel inside the plant can be made into juice, gel, cream, and even into herbal supplements. The best way to use Aloe Vera to get rid of hemorrhoids is by using the Aloe Vera Gel or Cream four times a day by directly applying it to the hemorrhoids using a cotton ball or tissue. The gel should relieve the pain, stop any bleeding caused by straining too much, and protect the delicate area so it can begin to heal.  

End Notes 

Don't be embarrassed by hemorrhoids everyone gets them at some point in time in life. Remember, any lump or swelling in the rectal and anal area should be check out by your doctor first to find out if the lumps and swelling are caused by hemorrhoids. If you do have hemorrhoids remember you can heal them using Witch Hazel, Emu Oil, and Aloe Vera. Don't let hemorrhoids cause you any more pain take control and get rid of them now.