Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A Nostril Inhaler for Relieving Stuffiness

Once in awhile I get the sneezes badly to the point where they just do not stop. Sometimes allergy medicine do not even help, which drives me crazy. Lately, I have been using a natural alternative to help control and sometimes even stop the sneezing and it is called the Olbas Aromatic Inhaler.

This is not an inhaler like an asthma inhaler. It is a nostril inhaler, which means you place it slightly inside the nostrils and sniff and breathe it into the nose. This inhaler has a round smooth inhaling applicator with a small hole inside of it for the natural aromas to flow freely from to help with breathing. 

The way I use the Olbas Aromatic Inhaler is by removing the cover from it and placing the applicator end slightly inside my nostrils. Then, I take a good couple of sniffs. I usually do this 3 to 4 times a day when I can't stop sneezing. The sensation it provides inside your nose when you inhale it is very cooling and soothing because this inhaler contains natural vapors that help open up your nasal passages so you can breath in through your nose freely again. Before you start using this natural inhaler to help relieve your sinus problems, you should talk to your doctor first to make sure it is safe for you to use because the ingredients in this inhaler could interact with your medication or cause an allergic reaction.

The ingredients in the inhaler that help open up your nasal passages so you can find some relief are all natural oils like peppermint and eucalyptus. These oils are what provide relief so you can breathe again.

 I should also warn you that this inhaler could cause your nose to run more to help get the nastiness out. So, make sure you have tissues just encase you need to blow all that nastiness out so you can breath in through your nose again. I know this because it happened to me. 

Anyways, if you decide you want to try the Olbas Aromatic Inhaler to help stop your sneezing, running nose, or help with your sinuses you can find this inhaler in your local drug stores, or online like I did on The price I paid for my inhaler was around $4, but it may cost more or less depending on where you decide to get it. I do hope those of you who try this natural nasal inhaler can find some relief from using it. I know I did and would recommend it to anyone else who has a problem with uncontrollable sneezing as well.