Saturday, January 10, 2015

How to Trim Rabbit Claws Properly

Mini lops rabbits make lovely indoor pets because they are loving, friendly and playful. However, if your going to have a mini lops rabbit as your furry friend you will need to know how to keep their claws well trimmed and how to do it safely.

Supplies Needed for Trimming Rabbit Claws
The supplies you will need to trim your rabbits claws are a set of small pet claw trimmers, a large towel and a small dish of baking soda. You will also need two people for this claw-trimming job.

Steps to Trimming Rabbit Claws

First, carefully pick the rabbit up in the large towel gently covering the eyes and holding them like you would a newborn baby, but not too tightly, because you want to be able to get too their paws. Rabbits like to feel secure and safe when you hold them, which is why wrapping them in a towel can help you trim their claws. It also prevents them from kicking you and cutting you open when their sharp claws.

Second step is to have the person who is trimming the claws carefully and gently unwrap one rabbit foot at a time and trim just the tips of their claws. However, if you do end up trimming the claw, back to far you can dab the baking soda onto the claw and that will help stop the bleeding.

Once you are done trimming the rabbit’s claws carefully set them down on the floor, pet them and give your furry friend a tasty veggie or fruit treat to let them know they did a good job.


Never, keep holding a rabbit if they are wiggling or kicking because they can hurt themselves and you. Always put them down immediately, but very carefully. Rabbits are fragile beings and get hurt very easily when not handled with care.