Sunday, January 4, 2015

Suggested Remedies for Relieving Morning Sickness

Are you suffering from morning sickness and searching for some alternative remedies that can help bring relief? If you are, there are several ones you could use. Eight of those remedies you can find right here. 

#1 Salty Foods

Salty foods such as saltines, crackers, dry toast and pretzels are perfect for relieving morning sickness because they settle the tummy and absorb any acid that is causing discomfort. Most importantly, salty foods make you thirsty, which causes you to drink more water. Keeping hydrated is also key to relieving morning sickness naturally. 

#2 Ginger Root 

Sipping on ginger root tea or homemade ginger ale throughout the day can relieve morning sickness well. It can also help you digest your meals easier so your nourishing your body and your baby. Ginger is also excellent for relieving heartburn, which is sometimes another discomforting symptom experienced with pregnancy. 

#3 Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea helps soothe unhappy tummies wonderfully. If your vomiting a lot and cannot find relief from your morning sickness try sipping on some hot peppermint tea. It will provide soothing cooling relief to the stomach and relieve the nauseous feelings you've been having.  If you don't have any peppermint tea on hand, you can even suck on peppermint candy or chew on peppermint gum for relief until you get some. 

#4 Calming Aromatherapy Oils

Aroma therapy oils such as lavender, chamomile, peppermint and ginger root can also help ease morning sickness away. Sometimes simply taking a warm bath with a few drops of essential is all that is needed. However, make sure the essential oil you use in your bath is safe for you and your baby. Some are not and can actually cause uterine contractions. 

#5 Chicken Noodle Soup 

Chicken noodle soup provides you and your baby with a good light meal and that will help calm down morning sickness  that comes along with other symptoms such as headaches, dizziness and vomiting. 

#6 Popsicles & Crushed Ice 

Crushed ice and popsicles will help keep you hydrated while settling an uneasy tummy, and may even help relieve heartburn symptoms.

#7 Six Small Meals 

The best way to keep morning sickness away is by simply eating small protein rich meals throughout the day. Protein helps keep you energized and nourished, which is much needed when your carrying for two. Some of the best light protein rich meals to eat are a chicken breast with a side of rice or veggies, a cup of yogurt with granola on top, some seasoned nuts and seeds, or some veggie sticks with cream cheese or cottage cheese. 

#8 Carbonated Beverages

If you drink carbonated soda throughout the hours you get morning sickness, you will help provide your body with a little extra sugar that might need for energy and you'll be providing your body with some hydration. Most importantly it will rid that awful nauseous feeling away, but remember to drink decaffeinated carbonated drinks because caffeinated ones could cause harm to you and your baby.